The single max use rate is 23.31 fl oz of product per 1,000 sq ft (equivalent to 0.037 lb diquat dibromide, 0.017 lb fluazifop-p-butyl and 0.010 lb dicamba acid equivalent per 1,000 sq ft). The maximum yearly use rate is 46.62 fl oz of product per 1,000 sq ft (a total of 0.148 lb diquat dibromide, 0.068 lb fluazifop-p-butyl and 0.040 lb dicamba acid equivalent per 1,000 sq ft). The maximum number of applications per year is two. The minimum reapplication interval is three months.
GENERAL WEED CONTROL: Use along fences, paths, patios, sidewalks, curbs and driveways, and around ornamental trees, shrubs, flower beds and plantings around buildings. Use for trimming and edging landscapes.
SPOT TREATMENTS: Spray directly on actively growing weeds in and around flower beds, ornamental trees, shrubs, fences, driveways and walkways.
LANDSCAPES: For use in preparing areas for planting of ornamentals, trees, shrubs, desert landscapes, rock gardens, flower beds or similar plantings. Treated areas can be replanted one day after treatment.
- Determine size of area to be treated — measure length and width in feet, then multiply to determine coverage area in square feet (length x width).
- Use this product to remove the old lawn and existing weeds and grasses.
- For best results, apply in spring or fall, when daytime temperatures are at least 60°F.
- If the lawn is dry, water lawn every other day for a week before applying this product.
- Do not mow for seven days before or after treatment.
- Use 7 fl oz (14 Tbsp) per gallon of water for each 300 sq ft of area to be treated, which is equivalent to 0.011 lb diquat dibromide, 0.005 lb fluazifop-p-butyl and 0.003 lb dicamba acid equivalent per 300 sq ft and is the maximum single use rate. DO NOT apply more than twice a year and DO NOT apply within three months of the previous application. 7 fl oz of product per 300 sq ft is the same as 23.31 fl oz of product per 1,000 sq ft (equivalent to 0.037 lb diquat dibromide, 0.017 lb fluazifop-p-butyl and 0.010 lb dicamba acid equivalent per 1,000 sq ft.)
For best results, apply during warm, sunny weather (above 60°F) when weeds are actively growing. Rainfall or watering 15 minutes after application will not wash away effectiveness.
- To avoid drift to desirable plants, apply when the air is calm.
- All ornamental flowers, trees and shrubs may be planted one day after application.
- Wait seven days after last application to rake, till or replant with seed or sod.
- Rake up and remove loosened thatch or debris.
- Mix in starter fertilizer and soil amendments, if needed. Level the soil.
- Apply seed according to directions on seed package, or install sod. Grass seed must have good contact with soil to germinate and grow.
- Keep area moist for two weeks to establish new lawn, then water as needed.
- Completely wet the foliage of the target vegetation. Do not overspray.
- A single application controls most weeds.
- Most treated weeds usually show initial symptoms within 24 hours and complete kill in one to two weeks.
- Protect desirable plants with a piece of plastic or cardboard.
- If desirable plants are accidentally sprayed, wash plants with water immediately.
‡ Visual symptoms and time to complete kill will depend on weed and grass type, temperature and application rate.
Tank Sprayer (plastic, aluminum or stainless steel)
- Add appropriate amount of concentrate to 1 gal of water.
- Spot treat or spray evenly over 300 sq ft.
Dial-Type Hose-End Sprayer
- Set sprayer to the “fl oz/gallon” level specified in the directions.
- Use only enough product for the area to be treated.
- Close sprayer, attach to hose and apply.
Concentrate Plus Water Type Sprayer
- Determine the amount of concentrate required.
- Pour concentrate into sprayer jar to the required “fl oz” level.
- Add the required amount of water to the “gallons” level.
- Replace sprayer top on jar and apply.
Step 1: Use a clean sprayer. Carefully measure and mix the amount of product and water as directed. Food utensils, such as teaspoons and measuring cups, must not be used for food purposes after use with pesticides.
Step 2: Spray as directed. Thorough coverage is important. Flush sprayer with clean water after each use.
AMOUNT TO USE: To kill newly emerged weeds: 3 fl oz (6 Tbsp) per gallon of water treats 300 sq ft.
For general weed control: 5 fl oz (10 Tbsp) per gallon of water treats 300 sq ft.
For best results: 7 fl oz (14 Tbsp) per gallon of water treats 300 sq ft. 1 Tbsp = 3 tsp 1 fl oz = 2 Tbsp