Fire Ant Shield® Yard Protection Granules

Spectracide® Fire Ant Shield® Yard Protection™ Granules kills fire ant mounds and prevents new mound formation. Use outdoors on lawns and as a band treatment around your house foundation. This formula starts to kill in minutes and provides season-long control (up to 3 months) against red imported fire ants. It kills the queen and colony fast and also helps protect your home from invading ants (except carpenter and pharaoh), crickets, chinch bugs, billbugs, fleas, roaches, ticks (German and American) and other listed insects. Covers up to 5,000 square feet of lawn.

Apply Spectracide Fire Ant Shield Yard Protection Granules with a fertilizer spreader at the rates indicated on the back of the bag. Apply when the grass is dry, then water in lightly immediately after application. You can also use as a spot treatment against listed ant types – apply over and around each anthill. Treat ants (except carpenter and pharaoh) when they first appear or when you notice lawn damage.

  • YARD PROTECTION GRANULES: Kills the mound and prevents new mound formation – use outside on lawns and around house foundations.
  • KILLS THE QUEEN AND COLONY: Kills the fire ant queen and colony fast – starts to kill in minutes.
  • SEASON-LONG CONTROL: Up to 3 months control against red imported fire ants.
  • ALSO KILLS: Crickets, chinch bugs, armyworms, billbugs, cutworms, earwigs, fleas, roaches, grubs, sod webworms, ticks and other listed insects.
  • MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: Guaranteed results or your money back – see product label for details.

Active Ingredients

Lambda-Cyhalothrin 0.1%
Other Ingredients 99.9%
Total: 100.00%
  • 10 lb
  • 13.5 lb
Treatment Areas  Pests  How To Use  Use Rate 
Band Treatment Around House Foundation
Ants*, crickets, earwigs, fleas, millipedes, mites, Palmetto bugs, roaches (German and American), silverfish, sowbugs (pillbugs), water bugs These pests are commonly found around or near foundations of houses as well as in lawns. Certain of these pests may enter houses. Apply a 3- to 5-foot band of granules next to the house foundation. Distribute granules uniformly. Water lightly immediately after application. Apply at the rate of 0.8 lb per 1,000 sq ft (an area 5 ft x 200 ft).
Overall Lawn Application
Ants*, armyworms (fall and yellow-striped), crickets, cutworms, earwigs, European crane flies, fleas, grasshoppers, green June beetles, Japanese beetle (adults), lawn moths (sod webworms), leafhoppers, millipedes, mites, pillbugs, spittle bugs, springtails and ticks (including ticks that may transmit Lyme Disease) Apply with a fertilizer spreader. See spreader setting chart below. Apply when grass is dry. Water lawn lightly immediately after application.

For up to 3 month control of fire ants, apply at higher use rate.

Apply at the rate of 0.8 lb per 1,000 sq ft (an area 20 ft by 50 ft).

For up to 3 month control of fire ants, apply at the rate of 2 lb per 1,000 sq ft (an area 20 ft x 50 ft).

Ataenius spretulus (dung beetles), billbugs, chinch bugs, grubs (Japanese beetle grubs, green June beetle grubs), hyperodes weevils, mole crickets Immediately water grass thoroughly after application. For billbug control, apply when activity is first observed or when chewed or brown grass indicates damage from these insects. For grub control, except dung beetle, treat any time between late July and early October. For dung beetle grub control, apply in spring or early summer when damage is first noticed. Water grass thoroughly with ¼ to ½ inch of water immediately after application. Treat again in late summer or early fall if a second generation occurs. Apply 1.2 lb per 1,000 sq ft of lawn.
Spot Treatment
Ants* Water lightly immediately after application. Apply ½ tsp over and around each anthill.

*Ants (except carpenter and pharaoh): Argentine, southern, field, Allegheny mound, cornfield, honey, pavement, red imported fire ant, nuisance

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

STOP Keep children and pets off treated area until product has been watered in and lawn is dry. 

In New York State, this product may not be applied to lawns within 100 ft of a coastal marsh, or stream that drains directly into a coastal marsh.

Three Easy Steps to Use this Product
Step #1: Determine size of the job, then measure the area to be treated.
Step #2: Use spreader setting chart to determine appropriate setting for your spreader.
Step #3: Treat as directed in rate chart. Thorough coverage is important. Water in granules immediately after application.


  • Do not apply more than six (6) times per year per location at low use rate.
  • Do not apply more than three (3) times per year per location at high use rate.
  • Do not allow product to run off from target site or apply within 24 hours of rain.
  • Do not make applications during rain. Apply this product directly to the lawn or garden area. Water treated area as directed on this label. Do not water to the point of runoff.
  • Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers, storm drains, water bodies or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain during or after application.
Treat the following pests during the months indicated. Make no more than six applications per year at low use rate or three times for highest use rate.
 Jan Feb
Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
         Billbugs    Grubs    
     Dung Beetle Grubs
      Hyperodes Weevils
 Treat ants (except carpenter and pharaoh ants) and other insects when they first appear or you notice lawn damage.

 Spreader Settings for Overall Lawn Application
 Spreader Make and Model 0.8 lb/1,000 sq ft  1.2 lb/1,000 sq ft  2 lb/1,000 sq ft 
 Broadcast 2
3 4
 Ev-n-Spread  11 13 15
 Ev-n-Spread 8 9 10
 Broadcast  2 3 4
 Products Drop
 1 1  1½
 EdgeGuard DLX  2  2½ 3
 Turf Builder Drop  3 4 5
 Sta-Green 2  2½  3
Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals
CAUTION. Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes or clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, or using tobacco. Food utensils such as spoons or measuring cups must not be used for food purposes after use in measuring pesticides.

First Aid

If in Eyes: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. Call a Poison Control Center or doctor for treatment advice.
Have the product container or label with you when calling a Poison Control Center, doctor, or going for treatment. You may also contact 1-800-917-5438 for emergency medical treatment information.

Environmental Hazards

This product is highly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. To protect the environment, do not allow pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters or surface waters. Applying this product in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or rain does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment area. Sweeping any product that lands on a driveway, sidewalk or street, back onto the treated area of the lawn or garden will help to prevent runoff to water bodies or drainage systems.


Storage: Reclose container tightly after each use. Store in a cool, dry area which is inaccessible to children and pets.
Disposal: If empty: Nonrefillable container. Do not reuse or refill this container. Offer for recycling, if available. If partly filled: Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.

To the extent required by applicable law, buyer assumes all responsibility for safety and use not in accordance with directions.

Questions & Comments? Call 1-800-917-5438 or visit our website at