Spectracide Terminate® Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer₂ with the AccuShot® continuous power sprayer kills wood-destroying insects on contact. Use it both indoors and as an outdoor home foundation treatment. The ready-to-use formula kills home-invading pests, including termites, carpenter ants and carpenter bees, and also stops spiders, roaches, fleas and ticks. It provides up to 9 months residual control indoors. The clear, non-staining formula leaves no odor. Use outdoors around foundations, outside buildings, porches, woodpiles, wooden fences and decks. Indoors, spray areas where listed nuisance pests are found or normally occur, including dark corners of rooms and closets, cracks and crevices in walls, along and behind baseboards, and around plumbing and other utility installations.The AccuShot sprayer allows for continuous spraying and precise application. It features a comfortable, ergonomic grip and an extendable wand that makes it easier to target only the weeds you want to kill. In addition, it features a one-touch continuous spray that requires no repetitive squeezing, pumping or pulling.
Directions For Use:
STOP! Read Entire Label Before Use.It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. For use around the home only. Do not use on pets.
People and pets should not be allowed in treated areas until spray has dried.
- • Do not water the treated area to the point of runoff.
- • Do not make applications during rain.
- • All outdoor applications must be limited to spot or crack-and-crevice treatments only, except for the following permitted uses:
- 1. Treatment to soil or vegetation around structures
- 2. Applications to lawns, turf and other vegetation
- 3. Applications to building foundations, up to a maximum height of 3 ft. Other than applications to building foundations, all outdoor applications to impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, patios, porches and structural surfaces (such as windows, doors and eaves) are limited to spot and crack-and-crevice applications only.
- • Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers, storm drains, water bodies, or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain during or after application.
Apply the band up to 3 ft wide around the structure and upward along the foundation to 3 ft and around windows, doors and roof overhangs. Apply as a coarse spray to thoroughly and uniformly wet the foundation and/or band area so that the insecticide will reach the soil or thatch level where pests may be active. 1.33 gallons will cover 1,050 sq ft.
For ants‡, apply to ant trails, around doors and windows and wherever else ants may find entrance.
For control of carpet beetles, thoroughly spray along baseboards and edges of carpeting; under carpeting, rugs and furniture; in closets and on shelving; and wherever else insects are seen or suspected.
For control of fleas and brown dog ticks, thoroughly spray pet beds, resting quarters, nearby cracks and crevices, along and behind baseboards, window and door frames and localized areas of floor and floor covering where fleas and ticks may be present. Pet bedding should be replaced with clean, fresh bedding after treating the area. Do not treat pets with this product. To control the source of flea infestations, pets should be treated with a product registered for application to animals.
Note: Test inconspicuous sample of fabric or rug for staining before use. Check carpet manufacturer's warranty, and care and maintenance information before using product on your specific brand of carpeting.
‡Argentine, southern, field, Allegheny mound, Florida carpenter, black carpenter, cornfield, honey, pavement, nuisance
Ants‡, ticks (including ticks that transmit Lyme disease), crickets, fleas and earwigs: For treatment of infestation of these insects in areas where there are weeds or bushy non-crop areas, spray infested areas thoroughly. When treating for ticks, give special attention to areas frequented by pets. For ants, thoroughly wet hills and runways.
‡Argentine, southern, field, Allegheny mound, Florida carpenter, black carpenter, cornfield, honey, pavement, nuisance
For Carpenter Bees: Treat active tunnels where carpenter bee activity has been observed. Leave the entrance hole open for 48 hours after application to allow the bees to contact and distribute the insecticide throughout the nest galleries. Then plug the entrance hole with a piece of wooden dowel coated with carpenter’s glue or wood putty. Plugging the hole will prevent re-infestation of old nesting tunnels and reduce the chances of wood decay.
‡Argentine, southern, field, Allegheny mound, Florida carpenter, black carpenter, cornfield, honey, pavement, nuisance
Storage & Disposal:
Storage & Disposal:
Pesticide Storage: Turn the nozzle to "CLOSE" position. To prevent leakage, attach sprayer to clip. Store this product only in its original container in a secure storage area away from sources of heat or open flame and in an area inaccessible to children and pets. Keep from freezing.
Pesticide Disposal: Nonrefillable container. DO NOT reuse or refill this container unless the directions for use allow a different (concentrated) product to be diluted in the container. If empty: Place in trash or offer for recycling, if available. If partly filled: Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.
Precautionary Statement:
Precautionary Statements
Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals
Environmental Hazards:
First Aid:
If on Skin or Clothing:
Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Call a Poison Control Center or doctor for treatment advice. Have the product container with you when calling a Poison Control Center or doctor, or going for treatment.NOTICE:
To the extent consistent with applicable law, buyer assumes all responsibility for safety and use not in accordance with directions.
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