STOP. Read entire label before use.
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. For outdoor residential use only.
STOP Do not allow people or pets to touch treated plants until the sprays have dried.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact any person or pet, either directly or through drift. Only persons applying this product may be in the area during application. Do not mow, cut or otherwise disturb treated weeds or plants for at least seven days following application. Do not use on or around edible feed or food crops.
How to Use
- For best results, apply during warm, sunny weather (above 60ºF) when weeds are actively growing. Rainfall or watering 15 minutes after application will not wash away effectiveness.
- To avoid drift to desirable plants, apply when the air is calm.How to Use
How to Use
- Shake well before each use.
- Completely cover the foliage of the target vegetation. Do not overspray.
- Sprayed plants begin yellowing and wilting in hours, with complete kill, including the roots, in one to two weeks.
- Protect desirable plants with a piece of plastic or cardboard.
- If desirable plants are accidentally sprayed, wash plants with water immediately.
Not recommended for spot weed treatment in established lawns since lawn grasses will also be killed.